WHOI's Reef Solutions team has helped reverse the decline of coral reefs
from the U.S. Virgin Islands to Hawaii. With your help, we can take the Reef Solutions toolkit global!!
Thanks to the generous support of the Bill & Sherry Berry Foundation, a ship is ready to bring Reef Solutions to vulnerable reefs worldwide.
Now we need your help sponsoring researchers' time, equipment, and travel costs to maximize this opportunity.
Be part of the solution
With your support, we can accelerate reef science and significantly improve rehabilitation efforts with nature-inspired interventions.
Please join the Berry Family in supporting this important research.
Supports Reef Solutions team collaboration, Toolkit upgrade and development.
Sponsors the Reef Solutions team to conduct scientific research assessment and diagnostics of a coral reef site.
Supports advanced diagnostics and the deployment of interventions on a reef.
Funds the full research team, Toolkit deployment, and monitoring of one reef for a year. Special opportunity to interact with the Reef Solutions team and receive research updates.
Please make checks out to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and mail to:
Development Office
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
266 Woods Hole Road, MS#40
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Gifts up to $25,000 can be made through our secure website. We will not share your information. For more details, read our Privacy Policy.
To learn more about this initiative, contact James Barnes, Director of Major Gifts:
(508) 289-4895.
Thank you for being a part of the solution for our reefs!

Reef Solutions Around the World

Little Cayman
Status: Relatively high coral cover, but recently declining due to bleaching and Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease
Partners: Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI)
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics, Health Interventions + Hydrodynamics, Acoustics
- Testing how reef sites impact coral microbiomes + coral health
- Aiding coral larvae recruitment with sounds of a healthy reef
- High-resolution hydrodynamic modeling to target interventions
- Training new scientific divers to administer Reef Solutions

Maui, Hawaii
Status: Declining coral cover and increasing prevalence of disease
Partners: Maui Ocean Center, The Nature Conservancy, NOAA Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary
Reef Solutions: Bioacoustics + Interventions
- Aiding coral larvae recruitment with sounds of a healthy reef
- Quantifying substrates that can support new coral growth

Status: Severely damaged by hurricanes, coral bleaching, coastal development, and diseases like Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease. Overfishing and pollution are accelerating shifts toward algal-dominated communities
Partners: not yet identified
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics
- Testing water quality
- Assessing reef health through chemical and microbial analysis

St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands
Status: Protected from development but declining due to disease and bleaching
Partners: University of Virgin Islands, National Park Service, Caribbean Oceanic Restoration and Education Foundation (CORE)
Reef Solutions: Health Interventions, Robotics, Bioacoustics, Advanced Diagnostics
- Promoting disease resistance with nutrient + beneficial biofilms
- Biodiversity mapping + soundscapes with advanced robotics
- Aiding coral larvae recruitment with sounds of a healthy reef
- Advanced water quality monitoring

Status: Drastic losses in coral cover, especially endangered elkhorn corals; increased accumulation of sargassum (macroalgae); increasing coastal development
Partners: Elkhorn Marine Conservancy
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics + Restoration
- Advanced water quality testing of reefs, nurseries, and restoration sites
- Reviewing coral planting strategies to enhance reef restoration success

Status: Impacted by sedimentation, pollution, and fishing, which has resulted in declines in coral cover and fish diversity
Partners: Oceans Forward Dominica
Reef Solutions: Scaling Solutions
- Adapting more user-friendly research tools
- Training partners to use reef monitoring tools

Solomon Islands
Status: Healthy reef, with high coral cover and diversity
Partners: Ocean Exploration Trust, R/V Nautilus, National Geographic Society
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics
- Creating baseline for a reef health index

Papau New Guinea
Status: Healthy and renowned for its biodiversity
Partners : Not yet identified
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics
- Creating baseline for a reef health index

Partners: Not yet identified
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics
- Creating baseline for a reef health index

Marshall Islands
Status: In recovery, following years of nuclear testing. High biodiversity reefs.
Partners: Not yet identified
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics
- Creating baseline for a reef health index

Status: Healthy + highly diverse, offering an opportunity to explore the connections between diversity and coral health
Partners: Not yet identified
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics
- Creating baseline for a reef health index

Status :
Partners : Not yet identified
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics
- Creating baseline for a reef health index

Nicobar Island
Status: High diversity coral reefs.
Partners: In development
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics
- Creating baseline for a reef health index

Status: High diversity coral reefs
Partners: Wee Cheah, University of Malaysia
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics
- Creating baseline for a reef health index

Chagos Archipelago
Status: High diversity coral reefs
Partners: Not yet identified.
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics
- Creating baseline for a reef health index

Northern Mariana Islands
Status: Healthy
Partners: Not yet identified
Reef Solutions: Advanced Diagnostics:
- Creating baseline for a reef health index