Coral reefs are complex ecosystems that face many complex, interrelated challenges that are often unique to each reef. Understanding these systems and addressing the challenges each one faces demands the attention of a motivated, multi-disciplinary team. Behind many of the people listed here is a further list of talented scientists, students, and technicians. If you would like to find a way to get involved, please feel free to email the team.

Amy Apprill
Coral reef microbiology
Dr. Apprill is developing ways to use reef water microorganisms as indicators of ocean and reef health and is testing how microorganisms can be used as probiotics to improve coral and reef health.

Natalie Danek
Coral Chemistry & Health
Natalie is developing micronutrient substrates to help reefs increase coral growth and resilience to stressors.

Brianna Garcia
Coral Health
Dr. Garcia is developing new metabolomics-based health indices for corals and reef ecosystems.

Yogesh Girdhar
Coral reef robotics & computer science
Dr. Girdhar developed CUREE, an autonomous robot capable of observing and learning coral reef biodiversity and health.

Colleen Hansel
Coral Chemistry & Health
Dr. Hansel develops sensors to measure a suite of chemicals involved in coral health and stress (reactive oxygen species and volatile halogenated organic compounds) and is developing micronutrient supplements to enhance coral growth and immunity.

Konrad Hughen
Coral Biochemistry
Dr. Hughen's is developing new methods to measure coral stress in the field using the chemical signatures of corals.

Yan Jia
Reef Physics
Dr. Jia develops high-resolution models of water motions and larval transport in reefs to guide reef experiments and restoration activities.

Marine (Yaqin) Liu
Coral Reef Policy
Dr. Liu examines human interactions within coral reef ecosystems.

Matt Long
Coral reef metabolism and chemical fluxes
Dr. Long is developing new instruments that enable real-time measurements of reef growth and metabolism for monitoring the “vital signs” of coral reefs.

Trevor Milliken
Reefs Gone Global & Coral Probiotics
Trevor taking the reef solutions toolkit and approach to reefs worldwide and is developing probiotics to improve coral health and resilience.

Aran Mooney
Reef Sounds and Biodiversity
Dr. Mooney is monitoring reef health and biodiversity using reef soundscapes and is studying how replaying the sounds of healthy reef can enhance reef biodiversity and coral settlement.

Gordon Zhang
Reef Physics
Dr. Zhang measures water motion over coral reefs and develops high-resolution models to study larval transport in reefs and to guide reef experiments and restoration activities.